Selamat Datang (In English: Welcome). Thanks to visiting this blog. We will inform you many informations about Indonesia Tourism Object. Enjoy your holiday and vacation to Indonesia..


Jumat, 26 Oktober 2012


   The city's name derives from the Javanese words "asem" and "arang" which literary translate to "scarce tamarind."
    Semarang lies in the northern part of Central Java. It is a bustling mid-sized city with a population of 1.5 million. More a business than tourism destination, it nevertheless has its own charm with contrasting modern mid-rises, Dutch colonial architecture, Chinatown, and small "kampong" jutting against each other.

    The city's weather is hot and humid, so wear light-colored cotton clothes. You do not need a long-sleeved shirt, instead a T-shirt and knee-long trousers are comfortable. However, some places like mosques (masjid) and temples require polite dress such as long trousers/skirts. Hot pants/mini skirts will attract people's attention in ways you might not like and might be considered impolite.
   Semarang is off the tourist trail and knowing even basic Javanese or Indonesian will be helpful (and courteous), although younger educated people can often speak some English.

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