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Jumat, 26 Oktober 2012

Sam Poo Kong

Sam Poo Kong
   Sam Poo Kong (三保洞), also known as Gedung Batu Temple, is the oldest Chinese temple in Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia. Originally established by a Chinese Muslim explorer, it is now shared by Indonesians of multiple religious denominations, including Muslims and Buddhists, and ethnicities, including Chinese and Javanese.
   The Sam Poo Kong temple complex includes five temples in a mixed Chinese and Javanese architectural style. The temples are Sam Poo Kong (the oldest), Tho Tee Kong, Kyai Juru Mudi Temple, Kyai Jangkar Temple, and Kyai Cundrik Bumi Temple. An additional worship site, Mbah Kyai Tumpeng, is also located within the complex. The buildings are spread over 3.2 hectares (7.9 acres).

Sam Poo Kong Location

   Tho Tee Kong (also known as Dewa Bumi Temple), is located just within the large gate at the northern end of the complex; it is used by those who seek the blessings of the earth god Tu Di Gong. Next to Tho Tee Kong is Kyai Juru Mudi Temple, the burial site of Wang Jing Hong, one of Zheng He's deputies. It is often frequented by people looking for success in business.

Cheng Ho

   The main temple is built directly in front of the cave, located south of Kyai Juru Mudi. In the cave itself are an altar, fortune-telling equipment, and a small statue of Zheng He; underneath the altar is a well that is said to never go dry and to be capable of healing various ailments. Before the 2002 renovations, the temple measured 16 by 16 metres (52 by 52 ft); it now measures 34 by 34 metres (112 by 112 ft).

Sam Poo Kong's Lampion

Sam Poo Kong's Sculpture

   Further south is the Kyai Jankar Temple, named after a sacred anchor used by Zheng He held inside. The temple also contains an altar to those of Zheng's crewmen who died while fulfilling their duties. The southernmost temple is Kyai Cundrik Bumi, which is used to worship a weapon used by Zheng. Nearby is Mbah Kyai Tumpeng, a prayer site used by people wishing for their well-being.

Sam Poo Kong's Story

Cheng Ho Relief

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